Views from around the universe

last extended: 10 October 2024

With our collection Views from around the universe we want to share some of our experiences and thoughts with the population of planet Earth.

Originally this chapter was included in a list of several topics, but all of a sudden, everyone wanted to have their say. So, we decided to offer this extended selection — which we keep extending.

Just recently we preluded our statements with some thoughts about the human brain. By now, we moved the entries on the brain to its page. The brain just didn’t feel comfortable here. Take a look >

The following is still only a small portion of our experiences, but as always, we hope that our insights might be of help — or, at least, that they might give you something to smile about.

Yours, as always,

The planets of the universe


AI = A manifestation of the earth human’s inferiority complex

AI = Earthlings would benefit from considering what intelligence is. Generally speaking, there seems to be a sloppy use of words among earthlings.

AI = Has it really not occurred to humans on planet Earth that a dulled brain, an unchallenged brain, is a deteriorating brain?

To wish that AI should do all the thinking, is to wish not to exist any more.

AI = I remember the time when we still used AI and robots. At the beginning, there was this excitement in air, this wonder about what we had created, what was possible.

Pretty soon, the honeymoon was over. Machines are annoying, boring and freaking know-it alls. There is a limit to how much patronising anyone is willing to take.

The end of AI was kind of sad because for a moment we remembered our initial excitement. But then we celebrated, rediscovered our brains, our quirks, each other.

AI = The assumption that everything has only one valid answer, and that it is about time humans are told what’s right by a real authority.

AI = It took us a century, an incredible amount of care and an extensive staff plus several fail-save measures (which don’t always earned this title), to create an AI which is relatively dependable and which has indeed been of remarkable help in some areas. However, ever since we started this work, many have asked whether we could not have made better use of our time and resources. And even now, it is difficult to tell whether all the work, all the mistakes we made in the first decades, whether the efforts of generations was really worth it.

AI = We wish humans would put as much effort into improving their natural intelligence, to say nothing about their habitat.

AI = I know from my travels across the universe that many planets look down on the achievements in artificial intelligence, and many have with good reason abandoned the further development and use. On our planet we did some very thorough research into when and where we want to use AI, and a recent poll suggests that the majority of our people is content with the results of our considerations.

There is not a small number of people who benefit from the applications we developed. However, I will make a point many others are bound to make: so long as making profits is involved, developers are bound to work hastily. And we all know what that means, regardless which planet you call your home.

AI = The hype around AI surprises us. Who wants to read anything an AI has written? Once, out of curiosity and for a laugh, ok. But repeatedly … What for? Who wants to know what a machine assembled out of scraps? Besides, there are enough humans with brilliant and intriguing minds. There is no need to add anything artificial. We wonder whether those who make use of AI have never realised that the human being, generally speaking, is real, a being, something that is alive, that can be discovered and empowered. People who view other humans as mere assets or purses will use AI because they never grasped the reality of a living being in the first place.

AI = Humans … They are so gullible. And so eager to worship what seems superior to them (and usually isn’t). And in their strive to gain superiority by creating something they perceive as superior they overlook that an AI will always be flawed, not least because the human was not created to digest terabytes of data, and therefore the human can never be sure what exactly the AI has soaked up, or how a particular accumulation of data will interact within the AI.

AI = So long as we used AI in limited, well researched areas (well researched so that it was possible to evaluate an AI’s output), our AI’s were a great help. In some areas working with AI made leaps possible which we hadn’t dreamed of. By now, we don’t use them any more.

AI = Another attempt of the fearful human to gain control instead of learning to appreciate the chaos, wonder and original creativity only the human is capable of. Oh, that humans could see how amazing they are if given freedom and opportunity.

AI = Soon there will be a boom of devices which are AI free. There is only so much patronising a human is willing to tolerate.

AI = Ha, ha, ha – earthlings! They feed their AI’s crap and expect gold nuggets in return. Ha, ha, ha, that’s earthlings for you.

AI = It is interesting that some humans still believe that accumulating data is what makes someone intelligent.

Intelligence allows the human to think genuine thoughts, to create the unknown, to see all that is possible.

AI = We know that many planets had bad experiences with AI, and we were lucky that we knew about the pitfalls of introducing a machine into our lives. This background knowledge allowed us to study AI as a curiosity rather than something we believed to be some moneymaking grand future. And we discovered a lot about our brains by watching how AI reacted to this or that addition.

This new knowledge allowed us a much greater appreciation for our brains and also showed us paths to nurture and extent our brain activity.

AI = We agree with the writer of the previous entry. Humans can learn from AI. Not because AI is intelligent (it’s not, it’s just a machine albeit an impressive one) but because it demonstrates what the human brain is capable of – what we are capable of. The only difference is that we don’t learn and process as fast, that our memory is selective and that we are connected to our very active body which constantly adds impulses to our brain’s activities.

AI = We read the following in an Earthling’s writing: The human is a creative creature, take that away and you take away an essential part of being human.
The writer is absolutely right. In our case, the use of AI led to a planetwide mental health crisis. People had no trust in themselves any more. They had nothing to do that anyone would have regarded as useful or remarkable. Our people became shadows of what they could be.
In a drastic move we disconnected all AI which were using up too much energy anyway. And it took months until people slowly began to wake up and recover.
Today, most of us still feel traumatise but we see true human energy in those who were born after AI.

AI = It amazes us to see how human’s wrecked their internet. They made a good start at the beginning. But by now it seems like they have lost it. The quality of the content favoured by their search engines tends to be pretty rotten, and now that they have made a small advance in their AI technology they seem set at creating more trash content. If they really keep going in that direction, then soon enough, everything of value will be too deeply buried to be found. It’s a shame. It’s not like there aren’t millions of talented, clever and ingenious humans on planet Earth. Why create trash, and why favour trash in search results when the citizens of the planet have so much to offer?

AI = I am sure others will say it, too. But honestly … Honestly! There is already so much trash on the earthling’s internet and now they want to add more trash and faster? And trash that is made of trash. Though some smart neighbour pointed out that trash made of trash is a form of recycling, and yes, recycling is a good thing — usually.

AI = Why are humans so eager to replace themselves? Or is it a case of humans wanting to replace other humans because they can’t stand them? In which case some form of therapy might be more promising, often a game of cards and a drink can do wonders, too.

AI = I do get that some people prefer a little ping-pong without any human interactions or consequences involved. Or even search for a little inspiration, which, as most of us know, has a way of turning up in the most unlikely places. But the idea of using AI to create so-called content, leaves me shaking my head. Why would anyone want to read anything created by artificial so-called intelligence? It has no value. And honestly, people of planet Earth, you can spend a long and happy life getting to know each other, you don’t need to add content by a machine. And as for you people who have spent many human hours in creating empty content and now happily embrace a machine which can do it for you, we say to you — you’re missing the point. If you enjoyed your work and if your work had anything to say, you wouldn’t leave it to a machine. And if you don’t like your job, find something else to do.

AI = artificial wannabe

AI = awful ingestion

AI = art installation

AI = ape island

AI = artful imposter

AI = I have a question. The humans on planet Earth do decide what they want and what they don’t want, right? Because, I keep reading that so-called artificial intelligence will change the lives of humans on planet Earth. Like it’s inevitable. Like people will have to put up with AI. You see what I’m getting at? No one has to put up with AI. Earthlings have the choice to be in charge of shaping their future. And being a bit more picky about what to allow into their lives and what not, doesn’t do no harm.

AI. We chose paying decent fees and wages to our fellow human so that they can make a living over what used to be called efficiency boost on our planet, measures of which included to replace humans with a robot and AI – which makes no sense at all. Both robot and AI costs a lot, use up vast amounts of resources, are incapable of original thought or profound contributions, and they don’t need to earn a living.